Friday, November 27, 2020

 We were learning about how to use a art colouring book and we coloured a picture in.

I found it easy to change up some of  colours from the original picture. 

I found it hard to find colours that suit the picture and mix the colours up.   

I really enjoyed switching up the colours from the original picture.

Next time I need to make up my mind what picture I´m was using so I can do it faster. 

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Is it fake or is it real?

 Not everything you see on the internet is real. Think more about what you think is real? You need to notice the small details that might show it is fake. Yu need to ask the question does it make sense? Is this right?

I struggled to make my digital learning object because I couldn't find the right pictures that I wanted to use.

This lesson made me think about what is real, some pictures are just odd.